Askari Blue

Risk assessment metrics platform and email plugins for real time threat monitoring.

Askari Blue Ltd is a British company headquartered in Towcester, Northamptonshire. They supporting businesses and organizations around the world to defend against cyber security threats. From small businesses to large enterprises, local government to the UK Military, they support their cyber security teams.

  • Industry

    Cyber Security

  • Services

    Product Developement

    Platform design & engineering

    Business Mobile App

    Business Web Application

    Gmail & Outlook Plugins

  • Technologies

    Node.js, React.js, HTML5, JavaScript, Azure, Google Web Services

The Challenge

With 230,000 new malware samples are detected every day and 78% of UK businesses failing to identify a cyber attack it is no wonder that more than £67 Billion is lost to cyber-crime annually alone!

A huge entry point for these cyber attacks is phishing emails. Malware sent to staff and executives looking to gain access to systems or con money. Spam filters are great, but no where near good enough for today’s modern cyber criminal or hacker.

Askarii Blue approached Harding Scott for help to bring their new digital platform, Skales to market. Industry veteran and founder, Matthew Haynes were looking for a technical partner that would guide and assist them with the product development, design and engineering required to bring the new platform to market.

“[Their] professional approach to running with our decisions and constructing a product we wanted, not one hindered by differing of opinion that has made this a successful endeavor. ”

— Matthew Haynes, CEO Askarii Blue

The Solution

Harding Scott worked closely with the team at Askarii Blue to understand and create a platform that built upon their existing set of industry leading tools, with the aim of providing businesses another arrow in their quiver at preventing and eliminating cyber security threats when they first appear.

Harding Scott developed a real time threat monitoring dashboard that easily allows company administrators to monitor and view security threats in real time along with both Gmail and outlook plugins allowing team members to be alerted to cyber threats right from their inbox, reducing security incidents.

“Our roadmap very much includes Harding Scott, and we look forward to calling on their services. ”

— Matthew Haynes, CEO Askarii Blue

The Outcome

With Harding Scott successfully delivering, organizations can now visually discover new and current threats attacking them and their staff. Presenting real time metrics and compromise indicators. This supports security teams to focus and eliminate threats at their earliest stage.

On the project success Matthew Haynes, CEO said “Their ability to conduct a collaborative approach was paramount, taking our objectives and providing proposed solutions and options to designs.“ and the “professional approach to running with our decisions and constructing a product we wanted, not one hindered by differing of opinion that has made this a successful endeavour.”

Skales was nominated for The Innovation in Cyber Award 2021.

We look forward to continuing to work with Askarii Blue in the future.

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